Why Circuit Training Is So Good For Strength & Cardio Gains

Exercise trends come and go, but a workout style that stands the test of time is circuit training. Unlike some of the sensationalist and gimmicky sessions you might see shared across social platforms, circuit training tends to be a reliable method of increasing strength and improving cardiovascular health.

So, what actually is it? “Circuit training is a workout that involves moving through a series of exercises with little to no rest between them,” explains Will Pate, strength and conditioning master trainer at Third Space. Typically, he expands, circuits consist of six to twelve exercises, targeting different muscle groups or combining strength training and cardio movements such as squats, push-ups, and burpees, and is considered a functional fitness workout. “Each exercise is performed for a set time (e.g., 30 to 60 seconds) or a specific number of reps (e.g., ten to 15). Rest between exercises is short, around 15 to 30 seconds, and the circuit is often repeated two to four times. This format keeps the heart rate elevated, ideal for boosting cardiovascular fitness, keeping things fun, and improving muscle endurance.”

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