The John Lewis Christmas Ad Goes Back To Basics – And It’s Heartwarming

Every year, the British public eagerly awaits the release of the iconic John Lewis Christmas advert. Whether it’s an excitable dog bouncing on a trampoline, an alien landing and looking for a friend, or a lonely old man on the moon (still crying over that one), the fact remains that they’ve become an important part of the festive season – and it often signifies that’s it’s finally appropriate to get the Christmas playlist on.

Over the years, the John Lewis Christmas adverts have covered a lot of ground. Some have been playful, others tear-jerking, and, occasionally, they’re a little unexpected. And while we all love an animation and a cheeky Venus flytrap, the ads are undoubtedly at their best when they’re simple and stripped-back – like the sweet skateboarding dad, or the little boy waiting to give his parents a present.

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