I skipped through the entirety of my teens and twenties without ever experiencing an ingrown hair. I’d hear friends talk about the painstaking process of having to remove them with tweezers from all sorts of areas or, even worse, having to ease the inflammation of an infected hair follicle before a night out, but personally? I’d never had one. Fast forward to the present day, however, and oh how things have changed. I don’t know whether it’s my age (I’m now 35) and my changing skin or the fact that I no longer have a precisely scheduled hair removal routine, but over the last year I have had more ingrown hairs than I can count. Including one particularly persistent one that ended up getting infected. Charming.
So, over the last few months I have made it my mission to find a razor, hair removal routine, or beauty product that might be able to help. And I’m over-the-moon to report that there was one product in particular that has not only alleviated any stubborn ingrown hairs but has prevented more from forming. Enter: The Inkey List Glycolic Acid Exfoliating Body Stick.
What actually causes ingrown hairs?
“Ingrown hairs happen when hair curls back or grows sideways into the skin instead of rising up from it,” explains Emma Wedgwood, advanced nurse practitioner and founder of Emma Wedgwood Aesthetics. “This often happens due to clogged hair follicles, dead skin cells or improper hair removal techniques such as shaving too closely or using dull razors.” For me, personally, this makes total sense. I used to be on top of changing my razor blade every fortnight, but these days it’s not high on my priority list. If I hop in the shower and find that the blade has seen better days? Chances are I’m going to give it a go anyway. Emma also points out that hair texture can play a part, with curly or coarse hair being more prone to becoming ingrown due to its natural curl.
How can we prevent ingrown hairs?
If you shave then using a sharp razor is key, according to Emma. But preparing your skin ahead of hair removal can really help too. “Exfoliating the skin regularly helps remove dead skin cells that may block hair follicles, allowing hair to grow out naturally,” says Emma. And if it’s too late and ingrown hairs have already developed? “Salicylic acid is commonly used to exfoliate the skin and unclog pores to prevent further irritation while glycolic acid can also aid in removing dead skin cells and helping hair to the surface,” explains Emma. Tea tree oil and witch hazel are also good natural remedies for antibacterial and soothing benefits.
My honest review of The Inkey List Glycolic Acid Exfoliating Body Stick
The formula
(Image credit: Mica Ricketts)
In good news, then, The Inkey List Glycolic Acid Exfoliating Body Stick ticks off two of the expert-approved ingredients for dealing with ingrown hairs—both glycolic acid and salicylic acid. Of course, it’s the glycolic that’s the star of the show with a 7% concentration of the alpha-hydroxy acid to really provide effective exfoliation on the surface of your skin. When I use this I find that it has a noticeable resurfacing effect as my skin almost always looks more even and brighter and feels super smooth. There’s also a 0.5% dose of salicylic acid, a potent beta-hydroxy acid that is most well-known for its pore-unclogging capabilities. This means that it’s brilliant at sloughing off that surface level skin that might be causing ingrown hairs to get trapped, but it’s also brilliant at keeping sebum levels in check and calming inflammation.
First impressions
(Image credit: Mica Ricketts)
Truly, this stuff works fast. I first tried it about a month ago when I was dealing with a particularly nasty ingrown hair that just kept coming back. I’ll spare you the graphic details but the fact that the product itself comes in a solid formula (rather than a toner or lotion) means you can apply it easily and precisely to the areas in question. Whether it’s legs, underarms, or bikini line, it simply glides onto the skin so you know that the product is getting to work exactly where it should.
I was a little worried that using glycolic acid on my body, particularly on ingrown hairs which already have the potential to get inflamed, could cause irritation. However, the great thing about The Inkey List Glycolic Acid Exfoliating Body Stick is that it’s also packed with shea butter (10% to be exact). This gives the product a really nourishing texture and my skin actually felt softer and more moisturised when using this.
Emma pointed out to me that overusing glycolic acid can lead to dryness or increased sensitivity “especially if the skin barrier is compromised”. However, for me, this formulation felt more than hydrating. But you could always follow up with a moisturiser if you want to prevent any dehydration in your skin.
The results
(Image credit: Mica Ricketts)
In terms of the ingrown hairs, I would say that within three days of using this product (that’s applying it daily to the area of concern after showering) the follicle in question was no longer inflamed and the hair itself was no longer clogged beneath skin. I then just took my tweezers and plucked it free and I haven’t had any issues since. I now use it every few days under my arms and bikini line to help them smooth and prevent any ingrown hairs from emerging. Plus, I use it most days on my legs too—especially on the backs of my calves which seemed to be a hotspot for ingrown hairs. The skin on my legs in particular has totally transformed. My legs have never felt particularly smooth, but now they are so soft and even in texture, and places like my knees and ankles even feel silky.
However, an unexpected perk of using this product has been the reduction of body acne. During the summer I suddenly had a bout of bacne (yes, that’s back acne) and I remembered that I had this product. I swept it over the tops of my shoulders where the breakouts were occurring and they honestly went from red, angry, raised bumps to almost imperceptible within 48 hours. Truly, I don’t know how I have lived without this exfoliating stick for so long.