The Best And Most Stylish Tailored Trousers to Invest In

This year, I’ve had something of an evolution: once a dedicated skirt and dress wearer (truthfully, they count for most of my wardrobe), I’ve expanded my horizons. I’ve been on a fashion metamorphosis of sorts, starting with my move to Paris, understanding what I like, what works for me (and what doesn’t) and elevating elements of my style. Although I’m a sticker for certain pieces, I’m always willing to be inspired. Through this process, I’ve realised that I feel incredibly chic whilst wearing trousers—this came as an utter shock as someone who prefers knitted dresses! Beforehand, wearing trousers was a rare occurrence. Whether I was traumatised (I use the word loosely here) by ill-fitting school trousers of the noughties or still secretly paying homage to my fashion hero Audrey Hepburn, I’ll never know but I found myself dedicating my clothing collection to dresses over the past two decades.

Yet, while I always feel most myself in feminine silhouettes (I’m often clad in sweeping dresses, skirts or coordinates) thanks to the addition of a considered basic top my boyfriend gifted me (he knew exactly what he was doing), I’ve been inspired to pair it with the tailoring in my arsenal. Upon allowing him to style my initial trousers and top look, he turned my hem upwards (with a petite frame, many styles require tailoring) and gently ushered me towards the mirror. At that moment something happened. I felt emboldened by this silhouette almost instantly and just like that, I’ve worn trousers almost once a week since.

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