Maths converges on a better thermoelectric material

It is a high-entropy ‘Zintl’ alloy of the form YbxCa1-xMgyZn2-ySb2, for which the team devised a way to calculate the exact proportions by aiming for band convergence.

“It is normally difficult to get high performance from thermoelectric materials because not all of the electronic bands in a material contribute,” said director of the university’s superconductivity center Zhifeng Ren. “It’s even more difficult to make a complex material where all of the bands work at the same time in order to get the best performance.”

He likens band conversion to many people lifting an object – if they are a similar height, the load is carried more evenly, said Ren.

The chosen material has four parent compounds made from five elements: ytterbium, calcium, magnesium, zinc and antimony. The calculations showed which combinations of the parent compounds could reach band convergence, and the best combination was turned into a device.

This was tested in a lab-made instrument, and found to remain stable for at least two years.

UofHouston energy-conversion-measurement-team 627“Without this method, you would have to experiment and try all possibilities,” said fellow researcher Xin Shi. “Now, we do a calculation first, we design a material, and then make it and test it.”

The calculation method is applicable to other potentially-thermoelectic multi-compound alloys, according to the university.

University of Houston worked with Rice University. Their work is described in the Science paper ‘Global band convergence design for high-performance thermoelectric power generation in Zintls

Image: University of Houston’s Zhifeng Ren (left), Xin Shi (centre) and Shaowei Song (right) with their lab-made energy conversion efficiency instrument.

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