Five different IR LEDs and a photodiode in the same package for spectroscopy

MTMD142345PDT38 has five LEDs at 1.04, 1.2, 1.3, 1.46 and 1.55μm, plus an InGaAs photodiode sensitive across 600 – 1,750nm, all individually addressable and hermetically sealed into a TO-5 metal can.

This short-wave infra-red (SWIR) combinations is “ideal for infrared spectroscopy”, according to the company, which specialises in such multiple-emitter and photodiode combinations, and can create custom SWIR and near infra-red (NIR) devices in metal can and hermetic surface-mount packages.

“NIR and SWIR emitters combined with infra-red detectors are the perfect solution for many analytical, medical, aerospace and industrial sensing applications,” it claimed. “Near infra-red and especially short-wave infra-red can penetrate deeper into human tissue than visible light due to the reduced photon scattering at these wavelengths, enabling capture of deep tissue chemical composition information.”

Recent additions to its tool bag are silicon photodiodes, for pairing with UV and visible LEDs, and silicon carbide photodiodes that can be combined with 235nm or 255nm LEDs for deep UV-C applications that must not respond to visible light.

“We can assemble virtually any combination of deep UVC to MWIR wavelength LEDs with our InGaAs, silicon, SiC, or other detectors in various packages to meet specific OEM design needs,” said CTO Vincent Forte.

Find the MTMD142345PDT38 data sheet here

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