Blackberry was founded in 1984 by Mike Lazaridis
at age 23 and Douglas Fregin, in Waterloo,
Ontario Canada, it was at that time known as Research
in Motion Limited. Its is a line of SmartPhones, tablets
and services originally manufactured and supplied by the Canadian company.
Some Blackberry latest SmartPhones since they began and the rest, but they have come from a long way.
It only officially became known as
BlackBerry in 2013, but before this time was known as RIM (Research In Motion Ltd) for
many years.
Mike Lazaridis in the early days
Mr. Lazaridis, a great engineer co-founded RIM in a tiny Waterloo office above a bagel shop in 1984.
It must be said for the record, thier handsets were cult Mobile
devices, inspiring a kind of slavish devotion perhaps matched only by Apple
products, the same can be said for Motorola.
Blackberry key2
BlackBerry Evolve
BlackBerry Evolve X
Blackberry key2 LE
RIM worked hand in hand with government and
in 1988 began developing products for Mobitex
wireless packet-switched data communications networks, that was used by
military and police forces, ambulance and firefighters services.
Blackberry keyone
Blackberry Aurora
Blackberry Motion
Before releasing its electronics RIM worked
on a two-way paging and wireless email network system with Ericsson iconised by
the ability of all Blackberry handset users to communicate between themselves
(for free) known as pinging, this is one of the aspects that made them unique to
Mobile Phones users.
BlackBerry DTEK50
BlackBerry DTEK60
1996 RIM Inter@ctive Pager 900
The real fact is that BlackBerry achieved market share in the mobile
industry by focusing on email. BlackBerry started to offer email service on
non-BlackBerry devices, such as the Palm Treo,
through the proprietary BlackBerry Connect software.
Jim Balsillie joins RIM in 1992 and then he
would become co-CEO along with Mike Lazaridis.
Blackberry Leap
BlackBerry Classic Non Cam
Blackberry Passport Silver Edition
The first produced device was the Inter@ctive Pager
900, also known as the RIM 900, its first keyboard-based device released on
September 18, 1996. It was a clamshell–
kind of device that allowed two-way paging. The next two-way pager
released was a dramatically slimmed down two-way pager, the Inter@ctive Pager
950, on August 26, 1998.
Jim Balsillie on the left holding the 1996 RIM Inter@ctive Pager 900 with Lazaridis
BlackBerry 850
And then behold the very first device with
the BlackBerry name on it was the BlackBerry 850, an email pager that was
released January 19, 1999 in Munich, Germany. In the same year the stock
symbol RIMM is added to Nasdaq and then RIM announces it has received FCC
approval in the U.S. to begin selling its first BlackBerry device, the 850,
with mobile email.
BlackBerry Porsche Design P’9983
From here on in, the name Inter@ctive Pager was
obsolete and was no longer used as a brand name for the the device. The top
marketing company Lexicon Branding came up with the name BlackBerry and rightfully so, as they saw that the
keyboard’s buttons looked like that of the drupelets
that compose the blackberryfruit.
However even though the 950 and the
850 appeared identical when you looked at them, the 850 was the first device to integrate email.
With the release the BlackBerry 5810 in 2002
RIM adds voice calling capabilities for the first time and then in 2003
RIM is added to the Nasdaq 100, and releases its first BlackBerry with a colour
Blackberry used to be one of the biggest movers and
shakers in the Mobile Phone industry which included secure communications, but
since then BlackBerry has lost this reputation in the world market because of
the spread and success of the Android and iOS SmartPhone operating system platforms.
BlackBerry Porsche Design P9982
As of March 2016 Blackberry had 23 million
subscribers world wide, this figure is a great fall from 85 million BlackBerry
subscribers it had at its peak in September
BlackBerry handsets traditionally used its own
original dedicated operating system developed by BlackBerry Limited which they
called BlackBerry OS.
BlackBerry Curve 8980
However a major modification of the OS platform,
was done in 2013 based on QNX operating system which they called BlackBerry 10,
meant to replace the original BlackBerry OS platform so it could compete with
iOS and Android OS platforms that would in turn give Blackberry MobilePhone
users the experience of modern smartphone operating systems.
As of March 2016 Blackberry had 23 million
subscribers world wide, this figure is a great fall from 85 million BlackBerry
subscribers it had at its peak in September
BlackBerry handsets traditionally used its own
original dedicated operating system developed by BlackBerry Limited which they
called BlackBerry OS.
The very first rollout of the Blackberry 10 OS on a
device was with the Blackberry Z10 on January 30, 2013, which was
followed with the release of the BlackBerry Q10 SmartPhone. Both models consist
of touch screens: the Z10 features an all-touch design and the Q10 combines a
QWERTY keyboard with touchscreen features.
Blackberry Z10
BlackBerry Passport
During the same period, BlackBerry
also introduced the new BlackBerry Passport handset — consisting of a 4.5 inches square
screen with “Full HD-class” (1,440 x 1,440) resolution and primarily
targeted at the business and professional SmartPhone users — took the
opportunity to strategically promote its Messenger app and released minor
updates for the BB10 mobile operating system.
During the second financial quarter of 2013, BlackBerry sold 6.8 million
handsets. However Blackberry was surpassed by the sales of competitor
Nokia’s Lumia model for the first time.
BlackBerry Porsche Desig P9981
BlackBerry Classic
On December 17, 2014, the BlackBerry Classic was introduced; a more sophisticated exotic SmartPhone exhibiting
all-touch and keyboard-equipped functionality, models such as the BlackBerry Leap, meant to be more in line with the former Bold series,
incorporating navigation buttons similar to the previous BlackBerry OS device.
Blackberry announced it would cease designing its
own phones on September 28, 2016, in favour of licensing to partners,
this was after in 2015, BlackBerry re-modelled and channelled its business in
another direction and began to release Android-based SmartPhones.
BlackBerry began to release Android-based SmartPhones
Blackberry Pearl 3g 9100
BlackBerry Curve 3G 9330
BlackBerry Style 9670
BlackBerry Priv
with the BlackBerry Priv slider phablet that uses the Android operating system with added security and productivity-oriented features inspired (for businesses users) by the
BlackBerry operating systems. And
then the BlackBerry DTEK50was released a
mid-range Android model with an on-screen keyboard, the BlackBerry DTEK50 was powered by the current version of Android,
6.0, Marshmallow, featuring a 5.2-inch full HD display.
In terms of navigation Blackberry actually
ergonomically and efficiently optimised the best way possible to use only the
thumbs to type on the keyboard. The original BlackBerry device was rudimentary
and practical in terms of navigation coupled with monochrome
BlackBerry DTEK50
BlackBerry Pearl Flip 8230
BlackBerry Tour 9630
However it was the newer models that had colour displays installed,
coupled with optimisation for “thumbing“,
the use of only the thumbsto type on a keyboard
with the aid of SureType which the
Storm 1 and Storm 2 had, a full qwerty keyboard compacted to only 20 keys,
built to make texting really quick. Invented by Research In Motion (RIM)
BlackBerry Pearl 8110
BlackBerry Pearl Flip 8220
SureType was first introduced with the BlackBerry
7100, launched in 2004, the technology allowed Mobile users to press a single key
and the phone figures out what they want to type , an A or S, to appear on the
screen relative to the intended word.
BlackBerry 7100
BlackBerry 8800
Blackberry 8830 World Edition
BlackBerry 8820
BlackBerry Pearl 8130
Scroll Wheel
Optical Trackpad
Initially the use of a scroll wheel mounted on the
right side of earlier device models acted as the navigation system access tool,
this was before the 8700.
With the release of the Pearl series came
the trackball which allowed four-way scrolling, replaced the track-wheel,
and then the track-ball was replaced by the optical track-pad through the release
of the series.
BlackBerry 7130V
BlackBerry 7130C
BlackBerry 7130G
Blackberry Pearl 8100
RIM announced it has passed the one-million
subscriber mark on its 20th anniversary year of 2004
and by the end of the year more than two million subscribers were using its
Blackberry 8700G
Blackberry 7100x
BlackBerry’s benefits and its social
ills had all the talk about how people were so addicted to Blackberry hence the
term “CrackBerrys” came into effect.
It was really about BlackBerry use by professionals
and how tough it was on some families. studies showed that even though spouses
felt the only appropriate use of BlackBerrys was during business hours, a large
number felt their partners inappropriately used their BlackBerrys several times
a day.
Blackberry 7520
Blackberry 7730
Blackberry 7290
BlackBerry 7100T
Blackberry 8700c
However RIM did comeback with a statement saying
that people can develop BlackBerry dependence, not addiction, its purpose is to
improve quality of life because of the benefits of personal communication
quickly and quietly in a way that didn’t bother other people.
Blackberry 6230
BlackBerry 6720
Blackberry 7230
RIM also didn’t take the Web experience as seriously as it should have,
by bringing out a BlackBerry browser and a good App Store.
Blackberry Ipaq H1100
Blackberry Aol Mobile Communicator
Blackberry 850
Blackberry Ipaq W1000
Blackberry Inter@ctive Pager 900
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