Best Blurring Foundations For A Seamless Finish

Let’s be honest, if you grew up in the social media era like myself, you most likely went through a phase where all your selfies were taken with a filter whether on instagram, Snapchat or more recently TikTok. And, while the barrage of airbrushed images no doubt did wonders for my engagement, what it didn’t do much for was my perception of what skin looks like in the real world. Now in 2024, most of us have ditched the filters thanks to campaigns like Sasha Pallari’s #FILTERDROP, and yet, while we’ve made a move to a more realistic perception of beauty, many of us (myself included) can’t let go of that flawless skin we came to dream of possible only through a camera.

Now before you think I’m here to demonize this quest for that faux filter look, I am not. Rather than faking it however, I firmly believe that a great skincare routine and hard working foundation are all you need to achieve a beautiful complexion that looks so much more impressive than any filter ever could. And my key to achieving such a base: a blurring foundation. Designed to give skin an airbrushed effect by camouflaging blemishes, pores and fine lines, these formulas will give a filter effect in real life while still allowing your skin to shine through.

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