How The Garmin Training Plan Made Me Love Running – Finally

I can’t tell you exactly how many times I’ve tried to enjoy running over the course of my adult life, but let’s just say that weeks one to five of the Couch to 5k training plan are irreversibly etched into my memory. I’ve read countless guides on how to run a mile without stopping, as well as trying fitness apps, online plans, and just plain winging it to see what happens (answer: sore calves). Every time, without fail, I’d lose interest after a few weeks, become frustrated that I was constantly gasping for air, and abandon the idea for six months.

Still, my interest would inevitably be piqued when I’d see runners gliding effortlessly through the park on a Sunday morning, or while cheering for my impressive friends smashing half marathons, or when I’d watch a video of someone on Instagram talking about the many benefits of running and how it’d had a monumental impact on their mental health. And it’s free! And there’s this incredible feeling you get afterwards called a “runners high”! Honestly, the idea of experiencing euphoria after fighting for my life on a run sounded fake. The only feeling I was becoming increasingly familiar with was when I laced up for attempt no. 147 was burning lungs with a side of impatience. So last year, when several life lessons taught me that I didn’t have to keep doing things I didn’t enjoy, I made peace with the fact that it just wasn’t for me.

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