7 Types Of Strength Training, Plus Which Is Most Effective

Ask anyone who has ever Googled strength training and they’ll all say the same thing: there’s a lot of jargon involved. From acronyms (EMOM’s and AMRAP’s – we’re looking at you) to talk of progressive overload, reps and sets – it’s enough to make a beginner’s head spin, and can be off-putting.

But we’re here to help you cut through the noise – because strength training doesn’t have to be complicated. Hailed by experts as one of the best workouts you can do, the science-backed benefits of strength training pack a real punch. Studies, such as this one, published in the journal Current Sports Medical Reports, show that resistance-based training increases bone density (particularly important for women), improves cardiovascular health and reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and insulin sensitivity. Yep – this study goes so far as to hail it medicine.

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