5 Best Low Impact Exercises Of All Time, Chosen By A Top PT

When I first joined a gym some ten years ago, high intensity workouts were the training method of the moment. And so, like many other women just trying to build a little muscle and give my fitness a boost, I burpeed and lunge-jumped my way through many workouts – each week aiming to move faster, add more reps, and lift more weight. After just a few months of following this routine, however, I felt depleted and like my human battery drained to zero. I began dreading my workouts – I wasn’t feeling powerful or strong like I’d been promised, and I rarely ever experienced the post-exercise high and energy influx I’d heard other gym-goers enthuse about. So, over time, I made some important changes, including opting for the best low impact exercises instead of those that left me feeling frazzled.

To be clear, there’s nothing inherently wrong with high-intensity training – in fact, it’s an efficient way to move your body that can be great for improving cardiovascular fitness. But it’s not for everybody or every season of your life, and it’s certainly not an everyday style of training for most people. As soon as I dialled back the HIIT sessions and introduced more weightlifting and low impact workouts into my programme, I not only progressed much quicker where muscle and strength gains were concerned, but I also just felt generally good and healthy in my body.

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